I found a solution by following this link on About.com, found through my friend, Google. About halfway down page two, there is a section called Could your fonts be corrupted? This got me to thinking...
I recently copied the Arial and Arial Narrow fonts onto my USB thumb drive to install on a pair of PCs I was working on. Somehow I must have managed to delete (or corrupt) the fonts, as all 8 files showed up as 0-byte files when I used the method described on the About.com page. I tried copying the fonts back from my USB thumb drive, but the 0-byte files stayed. I then deleted the old fonts and copied them again from my thumb drive, and this time the fonts re-installed properly.
I went back to Firefox and refreshed my Google search page, and the problem is gone! I have not logged out yet, but I am certain the problem is resolved. I hope this tip helps at least one person in the future.
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